Liverpool vs AC Milan 3-3 (pen 3-2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tempor laoreet tellus, at aliquet nulla mollis ac. Sed diam ligula, egestas ac metus sit amet, aliquam tristique risus. Sed luctus magna et sagittis porttitor. Proin a vulputate sapien, sed euismod purus. Etiam quis accumsan sem, et suscipit dui. Vestibulum accumsan mi lacus, in convallis tellus rutrum rhoncus. Suspendisse cursus, lacus eu volutpat commodo, tortor tellus vestibulum quam, et vulputate turpis magna et ante. Nunc dui nibh, mollis non nisi et, aliquam finibus nunc. Pellentesque feugiat ullamcorper sem, nec iaculis nisl fermentum ultrices. Proin fringilla neque in cursus pretium. Nam vitae quam fringilla, interdum velit ut, tristique risus. Morbi eu facilisis sapien, quis viverra massa. Etiam laoreet pulvinar orci sed ullamcorper. Mauris ullamcorper nunc orci, ac faucibus dolor placerat sed. Duis vel elementum massa.

Pellentesque dolor metus, tristique ac malesuada tristique, vestibulum non elit. Sed consectetur maximus lorem vitae bibendum. Cras neque sapien, pharetra ac ultricies id, dignissim in purus. Vestibulum lacinia mauris vel nulla laoreet, sit amet aliquam enim ultrices. Aliquam quis felis pretium, cursus lacus vitae, porta nunc. Ut vel pellentesque dolor. Nullam vel leo rutrum, tristique ligula in, porttitor metus. Aliquam fermentum ante quis est condimentum vehicula ac ut dui. Nullam diam urna, eleifend quis lorem rutrum, ullamcorper mattis odio.

Mauris ut finibus velit. Suspendisse et dolor nunc. Morbi malesuada metus et lectus aliquet facilisis. Pellentesque a ex mi. Ut cursus elementum enim nec pellentesque. Phasellus a turpis scelerisque, dapibus erat vestibulum, tincidunt tortor. Praesent nunc mauris, pretium scelerisque blandit in, imperdiet eget mauris. Cras sagittis turpis eget tincidunt faucibus. Nulla fringilla lorem eu placerat sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ipsum neque, laoreet quis leo id, venenatis molestie diam. Phasellus egestas lacinia mi ut luctus. Cras odio massa, facilisis mollis eros eu, posuere congue felis. Donec ac libero non diam facilisis placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque orci et dolor varius, eu iaculis turpis euismod.

Nulla pulvinar finibus dictum. Aenean rutrum fermentum placerat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent sed felis est. Suspendisse sit amet ante scelerisque, tempor quam vitae, auctor sem. Nullam interdum augue et tortor tempor mattis. Nunc vestibulum, nulla et pulvinar tempor, sapien turpis auctor est, sit amet eleifend neque risus eu turpis. Donec non porttitor lacus. Cras tempus, leo vel rutrum suscipit, erat erat euismod quam, a sollicitudin sem leo in odio. Curabitur placerat ac arcu aliquet feugiat. Sed in ipsum odio. Duis porttitor molestie justo, sit amet mattis ipsum faucibus eleifend. Quisque sagittis leo dui, eu venenatis nulla blandit ac. Nam turpis urna, facilisis in ex sit amet, auctor tincidunt ligula. Nulla lobortis tempor cursus.

Sed lobortis ex nec tortor semper auctor. Pellentesque efficitur faucibus libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut rhoncus nec metus vel vestibulum. Proin aliquam, nunc non convallis facilisis, augue libero mollis lectus, vel dignissim sem quam in nunc. Etiam luctus orci vitae tempus fermentum. Quisque fringilla mi erat, in luctus ligula vestibulum vitae. Nunc fermentum ullamcorper sapien accumsan semper. Nulla a tortor tempor, commodo diam et, tempor nibh.

Top 5 Plays

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tempor laoreet tellus, at aliquet nulla mollis ac. Sed diam ligula, egestas ac metus sit amet, aliquam tristique risus. Sed luctus magna et sagittis porttitor. Proin a vulputate sapien, sed euismod purus. Etiam quis accumsan sem, et suscipit dui. Vestibulum accumsan mi lacus, in convallis tellus rutrum rhoncus. Suspendisse cursus, lacus eu volutpat commodo, tortor tellus vestibulum quam, et vulputate turpis magna et ante. Nunc dui nibh, mollis non nisi et, aliquam finibus nunc. Pellentesque feugiat ullamcorper sem, nec iaculis nisl fermentum ultrices. Proin fringilla neque in cursus pretium. Nam vitae quam fringilla, interdum velit ut, tristique risus. Morbi eu facilisis sapien, quis viverra massa. Etiam laoreet pulvinar orci sed ullamcorper. Mauris ullamcorper nunc orci, ac faucibus dolor placerat sed. Duis vel elementum massa.


Pellentesque dolor metus, tristique ac malesuada tristique, vestibulum non elit. Sed consectetur maximus lorem vitae bibendum. Cras neque sapien, pharetra ac ultricies id, dignissim in purus. Vestibulum lacinia mauris vel nulla laoreet, sit amet aliquam enim ultrices. Aliquam quis felis pretium, cursus lacus vitae, porta nunc. Ut vel pellentesque dolor. Nullam vel leo rutrum, tristique ligula in, porttitor metus. Aliquam fermentum ante quis est condimentum vehicula ac ut dui. Nullam diam urna, eleifend quis lorem rutrum, ullamcorper mattis odio.

Mauris ut finibus velit. Suspendisse et dolor nunc. Morbi malesuada metus et lectus aliquet facilisis. Pellentesque a ex mi. Ut cursus elementum enim nec pellentesque. Phasellus a turpis scelerisque, dapibus erat vestibulum, tincidunt tortor. Praesent nunc mauris, pretium scelerisque blandit in, imperdiet eget mauris. Cras sagittis turpis eget tincidunt faucibus. Nulla fringilla lorem eu placerat sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ipsum neque, laoreet quis leo id, venenatis molestie diam. Phasellus egestas lacinia mi ut luctus. Cras odio massa, facilisis mollis eros eu, posuere congue felis. Donec ac libero non diam facilisis placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque orci et dolor varius, eu iaculis turpis euismod.

Nulla pulvinar finibus dictum. Aenean rutrum fermentum placerat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent sed felis est. Suspendisse sit amet ante scelerisque, tempor quam vitae, auctor sem. Nullam interdum augue et tortor tempor mattis. Nunc vestibulum, nulla et pulvinar tempor, sapien turpis auctor est, sit amet eleifend neque risus eu turpis. Donec non porttitor lacus. Cras tempus, leo vel rutrum suscipit, erat erat euismod quam, a sollicitudin sem leo in odio. Curabitur placerat ac arcu aliquet feugiat. Sed in ipsum odio. Duis porttitor molestie justo, sit amet mattis ipsum faucibus eleifend. Quisque sagittis leo dui, eu venenatis nulla blandit ac. Nam turpis urna, facilisis in ex sit amet, auctor tincidunt ligula. Nulla lobortis tempor cursus.

Sed lobortis ex nec tortor semper auctor. Pellentesque efficitur faucibus libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut rhoncus nec metus vel vestibulum. Proin aliquam, nunc non convallis facilisis, augue libero mollis lectus, vel dignissim sem quam in nunc. Etiam luctus orci vitae tempus fermentum. Quisque fringilla mi erat, in luctus ligula vestibulum vitae. Nunc fermentum ullamcorper sapien accumsan semper. Nulla a tortor tempor, commodo diam et, tempor nibh.

10 Impossible & Cheeky Things Only Lionel Messi Can Do


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tempor laoreet tellus, at aliquet nulla mollis ac. Sed diam ligula, egestas ac metus sit amet, aliquam tristique risus. Sed luctus magna et sagittis porttitor. Proin a vulputate sapien, sed euismod purus. Etiam quis accumsan sem, et suscipit dui. Vestibulum accumsan mi lacus, in convallis tellus rutrum rhoncus. Suspendisse cursus, lacus eu volutpat commodo, tortor tellus vestibulum quam, et vulputate turpis magna et ante. Nunc dui nibh, mollis non nisi et, aliquam finibus nunc. Pellentesque feugiat ullamcorper sem, nec iaculis nisl fermentum ultrices. Proin fringilla neque in cursus pretium. Nam vitae quam fringilla, interdum velit ut, tristique risus. Morbi eu facilisis sapien, quis viverra massa. Etiam laoreet pulvinar orci sed ullamcorper. Mauris ullamcorper nunc orci, ac faucibus dolor placerat sed. Duis vel elementum massa.

Pellentesque dolor metus, tristique ac malesuada tristique, vestibulum non elit. Sed consectetur maximus lorem vitae bibendum. Cras neque sapien, pharetra ac ultricies id, dignissim in purus. Vestibulum lacinia mauris vel nulla laoreet, sit amet aliquam enim ultrices. Aliquam quis felis pretium, cursus lacus vitae, porta nunc. Ut vel pellentesque dolor. Nullam vel leo rutrum, tristique ligula in, porttitor metus. Aliquam fermentum ante quis est condimentum vehicula ac ut dui. Nullam diam urna, eleifend quis lorem rutrum, ullamcorper mattis odio.

Mauris ut finibus velit. Suspendisse et dolor nunc. Morbi malesuada metus et lectus aliquet facilisis. Pellentesque a ex mi. Ut cursus elementum enim nec pellentesque. Phasellus a turpis scelerisque, dapibus erat vestibulum, tincidunt tortor. Praesent nunc mauris, pretium scelerisque blandit in, imperdiet eget mauris. Cras sagittis turpis eget tincidunt faucibus. Nulla fringilla lorem eu placerat sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ipsum neque, laoreet quis leo id, venenatis molestie diam. Phasellus egestas lacinia mi ut luctus. Cras odio massa, facilisis mollis eros eu, posuere congue felis. Donec ac libero non diam facilisis placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque orci et dolor varius, eu iaculis turpis euismod.

Nulla pulvinar finibus dictum. Aenean rutrum fermentum placerat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent sed felis est. Suspendisse sit amet ante scelerisque, tempor quam vitae, auctor sem. Nullam interdum augue et tortor tempor mattis. Nunc vestibulum, nulla et pulvinar tempor, sapien turpis auctor est, sit amet eleifend neque risus eu turpis. Donec non porttitor lacus. Cras tempus, leo vel rutrum suscipit, erat erat euismod quam, a sollicitudin sem leo in odio. Curabitur placerat ac arcu aliquet feugiat. Sed in ipsum odio. Duis porttitor molestie justo, sit amet mattis ipsum faucibus eleifend. Quisque sagittis leo dui, eu venenatis nulla blandit ac. Nam turpis urna, facilisis in ex sit amet, auctor tincidunt ligula. Nulla lobortis tempor cursus.

Sed lobortis ex nec tortor semper auctor. Pellentesque efficitur faucibus libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut rhoncus nec metus vel vestibulum. Proin aliquam, nunc non convallis facilisis, augue libero mollis lectus, vel dignissim sem quam in nunc. Etiam luctus orci vitae tempus fermentum. Quisque fringilla mi erat, in luctus ligula vestibulum vitae. Nunc fermentum ullamcorper sapien accumsan semper. Nulla a tortor tempor, commodo diam et, tempor nibh.

Injury saw Laurent Koscielny cancel planned Arsenal exit, says agent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam id sem a quam hendrerit laoreet tempor in urna. Quisque sodales convallis mattis. Aenean nec lobortis nisi. Etiam ac pellentesque lacus, pellentesque sodales magna. Morbi quis lacus vitae justo fermentum elementum. Aenean feugiat ante metus, nec dignissim magna congue ut. Donec varius dolor vitae enim facilisis efficitur. Integer sit amet cursus tortor. Quisque lectus sem, aliquam non pellentesque fringilla, imperdiet eu tellus.

In cursus magna vitae augue tempor mollis. Morbi non dolor vel augue semper interdum. Vivamus pellentesque viverra ornare. Quisque scelerisque nisi nec sapien imperdiet, nec finibus metus tristique. Pellentesque pharetra felis et elit posuere, in tristique ipsum tristique. Aenean ex erat, consectetur in enim in, ullamcorper volutpat velit. Donec sed ante est. In eu nisl ex. Aliquam velit massa, malesuada id iaculis imperdiet, vulputate quis erat. Etiam luctus quis tortor eu egestas. Pellentesque pharetra nunc ut metus pellentesque fermentum. Proin id malesuada ex, eu condimentum velit. Etiam vitae ultricies erat. Integer augue nunc, ultricies eu semper non, porttitor eu quam.

Suspendisse eget feugiat dolor. Mauris imperdiet placerat elit, sit amet luctus lectus interdum sed. Curabitur nec augue non lacus ultricies volutpat non eget ex. Vivamus eu blandit massa, id faucibus risus. Nunc pellentesque lacus ac justo egestas sodales. Aenean nec sapien nunc. Phasellus porttitor convallis feugiat. Duis consectetur elit vel mauris fringilla interdum. Sed ultrices convallis massa nec molestie. Suspendisse convallis efficitur pulvinar.

Pellentesque nibh est, tincidunt sit amet facilisis sit amet, bibendum at leo. Cras aliquam efficitur aliquam. Ut non elit ac justo ultrices vulputate. Curabitur tempus eros tempor hendrerit viverra. Fusce nec cursus nulla, id bibendum mi. Cras ultricies vitae ligula consectetur pellentesque. Morbi semper lacus in turpis porta convallis. Proin fringilla id nisi tempus feugiat. Proin sed tempor felis.

Nulla sed eleifend dui. Cras in lobortis elit. Nam luctus pharetra libero vel auctor. Vivamus vulputate tincidunt ullamcorper. Nulla nec porttitor ante. Cras a lacinia metus. Nullam a mollis risus. Maecenas quis elit convallis nibh ullamcorper scelerisque. Integer vestibulum erat eros, at tristique ligula sodales et. Pellentesque lobortis, nibh vel gravida lacinia, neque erat pulvinar elit, eu bibendum orci lacus et ante. Nam tincidunt augue sapien, nec viverra erat varius ac. Duis lacinia maximus est, quis faucibus arcu elementum sodales.

Flashpoints of 2018: Sergio Ramos shoulders Mo Salah out of final

It was four minutes before the enormity of the situation truly sunk in and a communal gasp came from the sea of red inside Kiev’s Olimpiyskiy Stadium. Mohamed Salah was down for a second time in quick succession, only this time he was down and out of the Champions League final. A season of joy, brilliance and 44 goals had been brought to a premature, painful and tearful halt. Sergio Ramos shared a joke with an assistant referee as the idol of Liverpool and Egypt headed for the tunnel and the worst moment of his career. Real Madrid set course for their 13th European Cup triumph in his absence.

Recriminations from the Ramos hold and twist that ended Salah’s final – no foul was awarded on the night by the Serbian referee, Milorad Mazic – started long before the Real captain, almost as though rubbing Liverpool’s noses in it, lifted the trophy for a third consecutive season on 26 May.

Within days an Egyptian lawyer, Bassem Wahba, had launched a €1bn lawsuit against Ramos for jeopardising the Egypt captain’s participation in the nation’s first World Cup finals appearance for 28 years. A petition started online calling on Fifa and Uefa to punish the Spain international who, it alleged, “intentionally kept Mohamed Salah’s arm under his armpit, causing dislocation of his shoulder”. Ramos, the petition added, “represents an awful example to future generations of football players. Instead of winning matches fairly, he uses tricks that defy the spirit of the game and fair play.”

The petition attracted more than 535,000 names. Even the European Judo Union weighed in. “Waki-gatame is a dangerous technique,” it tweeted of the move that Ramos executed in the final’s 25th minute. “That’s why it’s not allowed in judo to use for transition to ne-waza.”

Salah would make the World Cup and score in Egypt’s defeat by Saudi Arabia, albeit below match fitness and having missed the opening game as a consequence of what happened in Ukraine. His right shoulder did not dislocate under Ramos’s armpit. He sprained ligaments in the left shoulder when hitting the ground with the veteran defender on top and still holding on. But there was no consolation for Liverpool. They suffered the fallout while Salah was having his shoulder strapped up, a disconsolate photograph taken with publicity seeking restaurateur Salt Bae and awaiting transfer to hospital.

Four minutes earlier it had looked so promising for Jürgen Klopp’s team. They started in the ascendancy against Zinedine Zidane’s reigning European champions, pressing with an aggression and intelligence that had brushed aside Porto, Manchester City and Roma en route to the final. Then everything changed.

Salah took on Ramos just inside the Real Madrid half. Down they went and, without the shock that usually accompanies a game-ending injury, the naked eye followed Isco as the Real midfielder collected the loose ball. Only when Mazic stopped play and the Liverpool physio rushed to Salah’s aid did it appear serious. Only when Salah collapsed on his back following a Liverpool corner four minutes later, having initially tried to soldier on, did those inside the Olimpiyskiy Stadium realise the implications for all concerned. Ramos had turned both Liverpool’s most dangerous player and the match, goalless at this point, his way.


Other factors were obviously instrumental in Liverpool’s 3-1 defeat. Klopp’s team, with an injury-hit Adam Lallana summonsed to replace the Egypt international, lost conviction and shape along with their leading goalscorer. A calamitous performance from Loris Karius and a 29-minute man-of-the-match display from the substitute Gareth Bale had the greatest effect on the result.

Five days later it was discovered Karius had suffered concussion shortly before Karim Benzema’s opening goal after taking a blow to the head from Ramos. Sympathy was not exactly in plentiful supply for the goalkeeper, who was loaned to Besiktas before the summer’s end. It turned out to be the curtain call for Zidane and Cristiano Ronaldo at Real, too.

Salah’s injury, and the intent behind it, dominated the aftermath, however. In many respects it still does. Dejan Lovren, the forward’s close friend, appeared to brag on social media only last month about elbowing Ramos during Croatia’s Nations League victory over Spain. Seasoned Liverpoolobservers would say retribution came first, or certainly quicker, in the days of Graeme Souness, Jimmy Case and other hardened champions.

Ramos’s reaction added insult to the injury for Liverpool. He was first to console Salah on the pitch with a pat on the cheeks. He was last through the media mixed zone later that night, declining to stop for reporters who waited more than two hours to ask questions about the incident, although the defender did say: “Yes,” and nod towards the European Cup he was carrying when asked if the English press could have a word. There was a tweet wishing Salah well in his recovery but otherwise it was over a week before Ramos gave his version of events in an interview with the Spanish paper AS.

“Bloody hell, they have given this Salah thing a lot of attention,” the Real captain said. “I didn’t want to speak because everything is magnified. I remember the play well: he grabs my arm first and I fell to the other side, the injury happened to the other arm and they said that I gave him a judo hold. After that the goalkeeper said I dazed him with a clash. I spoke with Salah through messages, he was quite good. He could have played on if he got an injection for the second half. I have done it sometimes but when Ramos does something like this, it sticks a little bit more. I am only missing Roberto Firmino saying he got a cold because a drop of my sweat landed on him.”

Salah rejected the notion of conciliatory messages or playing on with an injection. “He sent me a message, but I never told him it was OK,” the Liverpool striker said. As for having an injection, he commented: “It’s always OK when the one who made you cry first then makes you laugh.”

Klopp delivered his honest opinion on the 25th minute of the final two months later. A week before he did so the Liverpool manager had declined to discuss Kiev at length when sitting down with the media for the first time in pre-season at Melwood. Relaxed while on tour in the US, however, he was much more forthcoming when asked again. He was reluctant to go there at first. “Wow, let’s open that bottle again?” he replied to the specific question of Ramos on Salah. Klopp paused for eight seconds while considering whether indeed to open the bottle. The top came off in the form of a 10-minute, 1,400-word answer.

“Ruthless and brutal,” he said. “I’m not sure if it is an experience we will have again – go there and put an elbow to the goalkeeper, put their goalscorer down like a wrestler in midfield and then you win the game. It was a little bit like that – that was the story of the game. Ramos said a lot of things that I didn’t like. As a person I didn’t like the reactions of him. He was like: ‘Whatever, what do they want? It’s normal.’ No it is not normal. It is like we, the world out there, accepts that you use each weapon to win the game. People probably expect that I am the same. I am not.”

Salah and Ramos came together again in August at the Champions League group draw and awards ceremony in Monaco, where the latter was named Uefa’s Champions League defender of the season. The Real captain tapped Salah on the shoulder as he returned to his seat having collected the award. The left shoulder, of course.

José Mourinho says he learned ‘nothing’ in Champions League loss to Valencia

José Mourinho aimed another shot at his players, revealing his growing frustration as he insisted he had learned “nothing” and was not surprised by his team’s 2-1 defeat at Valencia.

Manchester United were unexpectedly handed the opportunity to finish top of their Champions League group but, while they wasted that chance and Mourinho admitted they could blame only themselves, he said he had no regrets about fielding a changed line-up and insisted that finishing second still represented “a success, never a failure”.

For the majority of this game United were poor, reacting only in the final minutes. By then Mourinho had introduced Ashley Young, Jesse Lingard and Marcus Rashford, all of whom he had not wanted to play, confirming they would be starters against Liverpool on Sunday by saying “you have to find eight more”. He felt that the opportunity he had handed others here, Paul Pogba among them, had been passed up. Instead, he suggested they had merely confirmed that he was right to have harboured doubts.

“Did you learn anything?” the United manager was asked. “No, maybe you did, not me,” he said. “I didn’t learn anything from this game – at all. Nothing that happened surprised me at all.

“I expect more from my players, especially players that, week in, week out, they ask why they don’t play, why they don’t start,” he continued. “It was a good match to play, without any kind of pressure, in a competition that everyone likes to play in. And in the end my team improved really when I made changes I didn’t want to make, which is frustrating because I didn’t want to play the three players that I played in the second half.”

Asked if the performance from his players was good enough, Mourinho first shot the question back. When it was reformulated and he was asked if he was pleased with them, his response was short. “No, I am not pleased,” he eventually said. And when he was asked how he felt about United going behind for a 10th time in 15 games, he replied: “What do you think my answer is?”

“That it drives you mad,” came the response, to which Mourinho shrugged and smiled.

“Before the game I told the players that, if we win tonight and Juventus win, we did our job; if we don’t win and Juventus doesn’t win, we can blame ourselves,” he added. “But finishing second in this group is a success and I don’t think that finishing first or second – apart from a couple of clubs who are clearly much better than the others – [means that] the draw will be significantly different.”

Manchester City vs Chelsea picks and betting info from EFL Cup!

Manchester City vs Chelsea betting tips – The first trophy put into play this season is the EFL Cup, or the League of England Cup. Will be disputed between the winner and the semi-finalist of the previous edition. Guardiola is just one of the 4 trophies he wants. For Maurizio Sarri, this trophy is the ideal way to stop the mouths that demand resignation from Stamford Bridge. Veteran Jonathan Moss is the referee to attend the meeting.

Manchester City is the leader in the Premier League before the 27th place, being a draw with Liverpool but having an extra game. It comes after 5 consecutive wins, the last of them dramatically achieved on Schalke’s field, score 3-2. He continues to be involved in all competitions, but the main goal this season is winning the Champions League. In addition to older injuries (Bravo, Mangala, Mendy), “citizens” can not now rely on Gabriel Jesus either. John Stones missed the Schalke game and is also uncertain for the final, just like Fabian Delph.

Chelsea went down to 6th in the Premier League, precisely because of Manchester City’s 6-0 defeat. It splits a single point of the Champions League, but the shape of the moment is worrying. Since December 30, he has not linked at least two wins. Was eliminated by Man. United from the FA Cup, but qualified in the best of the Europa League on Thursday after crossing Malmo. Kepa Arizzabalaga suffered a stretch that forced him to miss the game on Thursday. It is uncertain for the final. Pedro had some medical problems on his stomach and could miss the match with City. Hazard, Higuain, David Luiz, Jorginho and Alonso were rested in the Malmo match.

Betting verdict: Mancheter City win, odd is 1.60 – Bet now HERE – special BONUS

Total picks: 18

Won picks: 11

Lost picks: 6

Awaitting results 1

Benfica vs Galatasaray free picks and betting preview from Europa League

Betting tips Benfica vs Galatasaray – Estadio da Luz from Lisbon hosts the return of the 16th European League final between Benfica and Galatasaray on Thursday evening. “Vulturii” have a 2-1 win over the tournament.

Benfica played great in the tournament and with that success I find it difficult to believe that he will miss the qualification further. He was in an excellent competitive form and in the last round of the championship he was 3-0 on Aves’ field. Let’s not forget that less than two weeks ago he defeated Nacional with a 10-0 victory. He occupies the second position in the Primeira League and is only one point behind Porto. Let’s not forget that in the autumn he played in the Champions League, where he only defeated AEK Athens. Salvio, one of the scorers in the tour, will miss this confrontation due to injury.

Galatasaray needs to score two goals in order to have the chance to move on. This season he did not really impress, but in the championship he ran second, being at six points away from the leader. Even in the autumn he did not break the mouth of the fair in the League’s groups, where he only defeated Lokomotiv Moscow. However, we must mention that she has not been defeated in an official travel on 2 December. He has a series of 15 official games in which he scored goal, the strikers being in good shape. Fernando is the big midfield absentee, the former Porto and City player being suspended for the cumulus of yellow cards.

Betting verdict: Benfica win , odd is 1.67

Total picks: 16

Won picks: 10

Lost picks: 5

Awaiting results: 1

Schalke – Manchester City free picks and betting preview

Betting tips Schalke vs Manchester City – Wednesday, Schalke and Manchester City will meet on the Veltins Arena in a match that matters for the first leg of the Champions League. Manchester City will try to qualify for the quarterfinals since the first round, especially as the band led by Guardiola is going through a very good time.

Schalke finished the Champions League group on second place, with 11 points. He has scored 3 wins, 2 draws and 1 defeat. In 5 out of 6 matches the group they played scored below 2.5 goals. There is no player who has scored more than 1 goal. He is unbeaten in the 3 games played at home, registering 2 wins and 1 draw; also won 1 goal in all 3 matches. In the Bundesliga he has serious problems, ranking 14th in 22 stages.

Manchester City comes from the winner of the group. He has scored 4 wins, 1 draw and 1 defeat. The best markers of the team are Gabriel Jesus and David Silva with 3 successes each. He scored the most goals in the games of the group (16) and received the fewest goals (6). In all 6 matches played over 2.5 goals. The Premier League is ranked first, on a tie with Liverpool, but with an extra match. He has a series of 4 consecutive wins, scoring 15 goals and winning only 2 goals.

Betting verdict: over 2,5 goals , odd is 1.60

Total picks: 15

Won picks: 9

Lost picks: 4

Awaiting results: 2